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Buying a Piano?

Please click here for links to our piano inventories:

New Yamaha pianos from Chicago Pianos . com

Used Vertical Pianos from Chicago Pianos . com

Please call 630.584.5000 for current, best pricing and availability in your area.

Selling A Piano?

Exclusively from Cordogan's

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Customer Software Upgrades


Roland Digital Pianos

Hallet Davis Pianos:
Top-rated pianos in 24 styles and finishes!

Bohemia Pianos:

Handmade pianos from
the Czech Republic

Palatino Pianos

George Steck Pianos in Chicago
George Steck Pianos

Falcone Pianos in Chicago
Falcone Acoustic Pianos

Buying a used piano?

Get to know the bad guys first.
click on the "Wanted" sign above

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Handcrafted Estonia Grand Pianos

Casio Celviano Digital Pianos from Chicago Pianos . com
Casio Celviano Digital Pianos

Suzuki Digital Pianos from Chicago Pianos .com

Suzuki Digital Pianos from Chicago Pianos . com

Suzuki Digital Grand Piano from Chicago Pianos . comSuzuki is a giant corporation, much like Yamaha (but on a smaller scale) in the sense that their name is associated with many things -- from musical instruments to motorcycles to cars.  Suzuki even has a highly regarded music education curriculum for small children, so the name is well known around the world.  Their digital pianos are priced much lower than most brands and many of their models offer features not seen in other brands at all, including iPod / iPhone docking stations and slow-falling key covers.  If you are interested in a polished ebony digital piano or digital grand piano, Suzuki's prices are unbeatable and Cordogan's guarantees to have the lowest prices in the U.S.  They're the perfect "I wanna get the kids started but don't want to spend a lot of money" piano!

Take a look at our image and video gallery of the complete lineup from Suzuki.  Our images tend to represent the products in a much more realistic light (literally and figuratively!) since shadows and glare we embrace in our photos help the viewer to gauge the sheen and depth of the product -- unlike professional images on manufacturers' sites that appear to be much more two-dimensional.

Suzuki Digital Pianos from Chicago Pianos . com




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