At A Glance

AP-22S is a Deluxe 88-Key Digital Piano - hammer-type action. It includes a Lesson function, 80 built-in songs with part cut, metronome, phase repeat function and song book.

Technical Specs

  • 88-note weighted keyboard (hammer-type action)
  • 32-note polyphonic
  • 10 tones: piano 1 and 2; electric piano; harpsichord; pipe organ; strings; vibraphone; choir; wood bass; electric bass
  • Tone layering with volume control and split capability
  • Reverb (room, stage, and hall 1&2 settings), chorus, tremolo, and brilliance controls
  • LESSON function: 80 built-in songs with part cut, metronome, phase repeat function and song book
  • Real-time memory- 2 songs, 5000 notes
  • Transpose and tuning control
  • 8 demo songs, one highlighting each tone
  • MIDI In/Out jacks; 16-part multi-timbral
  • 2 headphone jacks plus stereo lineout and linein jacks
  • Attractive wood cabinet with wood stand (damper, soft/sostenuto)
  • 2 speakers with 30 watts power per side
  • Operates on included AC adapter



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